The purpose of this deliverable is to describe the end to end (E2E) scenarios that will explore how users will effectively use the Policy Cloud platform. The given scenarios will describe the different steps required in order to perform the modelling of the policy. The scenarios will also include details of the necessary configurations and settings needed to determine the output of the visualization module.
This document is the first of a series of deliverables that will detail the evaluation process. It presents the proposed methodology, the time planning of the evaluation methods proposed within the project lifecycle, the specific objectives they pursue and their expected impact.
This deliverable has been released in December 2021, at M24 of the project, and its main objective is to specify the updated integration results between the Policy Cloud components. So, this document is an updated version of the previous deliverable (D6.2 Integration of Results: Policy Cloud Complete Environment).
This deliverable has been released in December 2022, at M36 of the project, and its main objective is to specify the final integration results between the PolicyCLOUD components. This deliverable will follow the methodology of D6.2 and D6.8 that were respectively submitted in M12 (December 2020) and M24 (December 2021) which have two main pillars:
WP7: Communication, Exploitation, Standardisation, Roadmapping & Business Development
This deliverable reports on the initial set of materials that have been produced in the first two months of the project including Policy Cloud’s project’s visual identity and the set-up of communication channels. A plan for the first six months of activities for the project is also provided.
This deliverable (entitled “D7.11 - Data Marketplace: Design and Open Specification M32”) is a follow up on the design and the specifications of the PolicyCLOUD Data Marketplace as defined in the previous version of the deliverable (i.e. the “D7.4 - Data Marketplace: Design and Open Specification”).
This deliverable (entitled “Data Marketplace: Software Prototype”) describes the final version of the PolicyCLOUD Data Marketplace demonstrator and is a follow up of the deliverable D7.5 - “Data Marketplace: Software Prototype” where the initial demonstrator of the Data Marketplace was described.
Via four strategically designed pilot use cases to be coordinated in Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, Policy Cloud will deliver a unique, integrated environment of curated datasets and data manipulation and analysis tools of fundamental importance to stakeholders across Europe.
This Communication and Dissemination Strategy is the third and final in a series of three deliverables. It details the specific communication and dissemination activities implemented, the innovation and policy landscape it is set in, the stakeholder groups targeted, and the tools used over the life of the project to support the achievement of project goals.
In order to focus on standard-setting resources and communities, as proposed by the European Commission, Policy Cloud has paved the way to an analytics approach for standardisation of data interoperability in data driven policymaking, developing the “Cloud for Data Driven Policy Management” White Paper, with a collaborative effort aided by 2023 project.