In order to focus on standard-setting resources and communities, as proposed by the European Commission, Policy Cloud has paved the way to an analytics approach for standardisation of data interoperability in data driven policymaking, developing the “Cloud for Data Driven Policy Management” White Paper, with a collaborative effort aided by StandICT.eu 2023 project.
The white paper has been a central output of standardisation work carried out by Policy Cloud and provides a Landscape analysis of Data Driven Policymaking standardisation in the Context of EU policymaking in the ICT fields and recommendations for further activities.
The white paper has also been a central focal point for collaboration with both standardisation bodies and other EC-funded projects, and a key source for dialogue on standardisation to help define requirements and validate recommendations.
To ensure the white paper leaves a lasting legacy, Policy Cloud partners will be the recipient of consultancy services provided by the new EU Standardisation Booster service in 2023. This will match partners to standardisation experts who can guide them in understanding which Technical Committees and working groups from European and international standardisation bodies and National Standardisation Bodies could benefit from its landscape analysis and recommendations.