This document is the first deliverable of WP4 and describes the internal architecture of the integrated data acquisition and analytics layer of the prototype Policy Cloud platform as well as the planned cloud platform and software tools.
This document provides a description of the software demonstration for the components of the Integrated Data Acquisition and Analytics(DAA)Layer, which provides the analytical capabilities of the Policy Cloud platform.
This document is the third and final architecture deliverable for WP4. In this summary we first mention what the major additions made during the past year, that is from D4.3 and then give a quick overview of the overall work achievements by end of month 32.
This document is the third and last software demonstrator deliverable of PolicyCLOUD at M34, October 2022, of the project and is intended for the reviewers of the software deliverables.
This document is the third of the series of deliverables under WP5, which aims to realize the overall goal of policy modelling, making and implementation, enabling the analysis of data to be directly exploited in different phases of the policy lifecycle.
This document is an incremental update of deliverable D5.2 [1] and details the specification of the tools and technologies used to model Public Policies (PPs) as well as the design of the policy development toolkit (including the visualization framework), and the mechanisms required for compilation of policy collections to perform cross-sector analysis. The purpose of this series of deliverables is to keep track of the specifications throughout the project and update them as the project progresses.
This document is the first of the series of deliverables that will detail the specification of the tools used to model and design public policies as well as the design of the policy development toolkit (including the visualization module), and the mechanisms required to compile policy collections in order to perform cross-sector analysis and policy making.
This document provides a description of the software components of the Policy Management Framework Layer and Policy Development Toolkit Layer, which are the front end parts of the Policy Cloud platform and allow policy makers to create, update and evaluate policies. At this phase of the project, the prototypes are available at component level and not integrated in the Policy Cloud platform. For each component, a description of its APIs, specification of the main functionalities, and description of the source code are provided.
This document is an incremental update of deliverable D5.3 Cross-sector Policy Lifecycle Management: Software Prototype 1, delivered in November 2020, and describes in detail the software components of the Policy Management Framework Layer and Policy Development Toolkit Layer, which are the frontend parts of the PolicyCLOUD platform and allow policy makers to create, update and evaluate policies. For each component, a description of its APIs, specification of the main functionalities, and description of the source code are provided.
This document is an incremental update of deliverables “D5.2 Cross-sector Policy Lifecycle Management: Design and
Open Specification 1”, September 2020, and “D5.4 Cross-sector Policy Lifecycle Management: Design and Open
Specification 2”, August 2021.