Cloud Capabilities & Data Collection
Adaptable cloud gateways and APIs to obtain data from heterogeneous sources such as online platforms and the Internet of Things,
Data Marketplace
A repository of exploitable data and knowledge to be used across the full range of policy making scenarios.
Ethics Framework
A documented approach ensuring the provision of privacy and security for sensitive data.
Policies Management Framework
Decision tool based on the Policy Cloud “Data-driven Policy Lifecycle Methodology” and enabling the integration of data collection, modelling and simulation technologies as well as the assessment of policy compliance and impact.
Policy Development Toolkit
Automated tools enabling non-experts to manipulate, model, and visualise both data inputs and the outputs from analytics processes. Visualizations will be incremental and cover a wide range of aspects from data analytics and data source information to policy evaluation outcomes.
Reusable Models & Analytical Tools
A set of technologies spanning the complete data lifecycle from cleaning, aggregation, representation, modelling and analytics, to interpretation, knowledge extraction and distribution of results. The tools will enable opinion mining, and sentiment, social dynamics, and behavioral data analysis. Semantic annotations will be integrated to ensure data interoperability and reusability.