Five H2020 e-governance projects have joined efforts in the Data Driven Policy Cluster to promote the use of European cloud infrastructures for public administrations and policy making.
Digital technologies have changed the world. Today people expect faster, seamless, on-demand services from their providers, and Governance is no exception. For better public services which make life easier for citizens. Public Sector decision making needs to become more agile, breaking down data silos to combine day-to-day tactical decisions with longer term policies and strategies. Disruptive technologies such as Digital Twins, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and High Performance Computing (HPC) unlock new opportunities for decision making through visualisations, simulations, predictions and intelligence that enhance transparency, increase public support and involvement, and optimise resources, handling data sources too large or complex to be handled by conventional tools.
To support this transformation, AI4PublicPolicy, Decido, DUET, IntelComp and Policy Cloud, five pan-European projects and initiatives dedicated to using cloud for data-driven policy, have joined forces to raise awareness about their cross cutting work on data and cloud-based tools for data-driven decision making. The joint roadmap aims to describe how the Data Driven Policy Cluster contributes to using the European cloud infrastructure for public administrations, encouraging the public sector decision makers to embrace digital disruption and new innovative technologies in order to make more sustainable policy based on real-time information, predicted impact and citizen input.
Automated, Transparent Citizen-Centric Public Policy Making based on Trusted AI.
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Disruptive technologies accelerating data-driven policymaking in the public sector
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