Policy Cloud partners LeanXcale are the creators of the central data repository at the heart of the Policy Cloud platform data acquisition layer. The dual SQL & NoSQL interface which characterises this database enables it to support high rates of data ingestion (NoSQL feature) and execute SQL queries efficiently at the same time (SQL feature). This means it's capable of processing several updates in a single I/O access, a distinct advantage in a BigData environment which typically requires vast amounts of memory and computational power.
For the Policy Cloud pilots in particular, the dual SQL/NoSQL LeanXcale interface means they can evaluate their policies using live data as they are inserted into the platform. Alternatives to the dual SQL/NoSQL technology would typically make use of a NoSQL database for storing data, and a data warehouse to perform the analytics. With data being periodically migrated from one store to the other, using overnight batch processing, AI analytics would be performed on day-old data. The ability to evaluate policy decisions using current information can be critical in cases such as extreme weather conditions, a terrorist attack or a populist uprising when strategy needs to be re-evaluated on an hourly basis.
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The internal architecture of the integrated data acquisition and analytics layer of the prototype Policy Cloud platform is described in deliverable D4.1 Reusable Model and Analytical Tools: Design and Open Specification 1.