
Policy Cloud Pilots: Innovating the Agrifood Sector with Data

Listen as we dive in to the fourth and final pilot use case, Aragon, Spain: Intelligent policies for the food value chain. We speak with Javier Sancho from Sarga and Miguel Angel Marcia from ITAINNOVA.


Policy Cloud Pilots: Using Data for Better Social Policies

Listen as we dive in to the third of our pilot use cases, London Camden: Open Data Policies for Citizens. We speak with Senior Data Engineer Ben Williams from the London Borough of Camden, and Policy Cloud Camden pilot lead.


Policy Cloud Pilots: Fighting Radicalisation With Data

In the first episode of the Policy Cloud podcast series, the pilot use case "Polices against radicalisation" comes under the spotlight. The topic for discussion: Data collection and transparency - political and ethical challenges. 


Policy Cloud Pilots: Solving Urban Policymaking With Data

The pilot use case "Urban policy making through analysis of crowdsourced data" builds upon the European data strategy by using big data and analytical tools to improve the quality of planning decisions around urban transport, waste collection and green systems.

This podcast features an interview with representatives from project partners Sofia municipality and  tech SME OKYS.