This document is the second architecture deliverable for WP4. It is an incremental update of PolicyCLOUD deliverable D4.1, and as such it repeats some of the content and adds new developments and work to do.
It provides an update of the architecture of the Data Acquisition and Analytics Layer. As such, it details the included data analytic and transformation tools, the cloud platform and software tools that are planned at this point to be used for the implementation of the PolicyCLOUD platform towards the demonstration in D4.4 Reusable Model & Analytical Tools: Software Prototype 2.
In essence, the Data Acquisition and Analytics Layer provides an extensible framework for data source and analytic tools, controlling the full data pass from the data sources through filtering, transformation and initial analytic, to hot storage and then to cold storage while enabling deeper analytics by the registered analytic tools on the ingested data at any time.
We added for each sub-section (or when relevant for each section) an “Update since D4.1” sub-section which summarized the evolution from D4.1. In the following paragraph we give a summary of all the reported changes from D4.1.
In Section 2, we updated the registration APIs for the sake of legal concerns. These changes are revisited and further commented in the new section 2.3: “Security and Legal concerns”.
In section 3, the main novelty for Enhanced Interoperability is the SemAI hybrid mechanism and its associated changes. Concerning the Cleaning technology, we report of additional rules which render this cleaning technology more general.
In section 4 we present in D4.3 a major update of the “Social Dynamics and Behavioral Data Analytics” technology (4.3). In addition we added 4.4: “Optimization & Reusability of Analytical Tools” covering task T4.6.
In section 5 which covers the cloud platform and the software tools for PolicyCLOUD we have no notable change which proves the soundness of our initial choices as reported in D4.1.