The third and final version of the Cloud Infrastructure, Incentives Management and Data Governance software prototype includes the cloud gateways and APIs, the cloud provisioning mechanisms, the implemented version of the algorithms as well as the data governance tools according to the D3.1 [1], D3.4 [2] and D3.7 [3] specifications and is built upon the first and second versions of the prototype described in D3.2 [4] and D3.5 [5] respectively. The prototype’s cloud infrastructure is supported by RECAS-BARI and is utilized by EGI through cloud gateways. These gateways allow the prototype to gather data from heterogenous data sources, such as Twitter and the global terrorism database and have integrated microservices to serve the needs of the different PolicyCLOUD pilots.
The final version of the Incentives Management tool is also provided in this deliverable. This final version has been integrated with the Policy Development Toolkit (PDT) and has been deployed in the EGI Cloud.
This third version of the prototype also includes the latest updates of the ABAC based access control mechanism and the Keycloak integration. This is broken down to 8 key components that have been combined to provide fine-tuned and secure access control and authentication. Specifically, Keycloak has been integrated with the Marketplace, the Gateways and the PDT and custom access policies have been developed for the gateways microservices. Finally, both the introduction of a XACML editor to ease access policies creation and the integration of EGI Check-in, an alternative way to authenticate to the prototype with academic and social credential, enhance the user experience in the PolicyCLOUD platform.