This report will provide the second version of the design of the cloud gateways and the cloud provisioning approaches to ensure utilization of cloud resources as required for the PolicyCLOUD environment. It will also provide the algorithms implementing the incentives management as well as the data governance model and the specification of the tools used to ensure compliance to the model across the complete data path.
This document is part of WP3, and it provides an updated version of the design and specification of the tools described in deliverable “D3.1 Cloud Infrastructure Incentives Management and Data Governance: Design and Open Specification 1”. As this document provides information about the work performed in tasks T3.1, T3.2, T3.3, T3.4, and T3.6 between August 2020 (M8) and August 2021 (M20) of the project, it covers information regarding a) cloud provisioning and utilization of cloud resources for PolicyCLOUD, b) the design of the cloud gateways and their APIs, c) the incentives management and identification in the scope of PolicyCLOUD, and d) the data privacy and governance mechanisms for PolicyCLOUD. This document is the second iteration of this report, with one more iteration to be provided in August 2022 (M32). For an easier understanding of the updates, we provide the updates from D3.1 in each section, and also a summary of the updates in the introduction of the document.