This deliverable is the fourth version of the Data Management Plan (DMP) for the PolicyCLOUD project, released in month 36 (December 2022). Previous versions on which this document is also based and from where the base contents have been updated are D1.2 Data Management Plan [1], D1.3 Data Management Plan M12 [2], and D1.4 Data Management M24 [3].
It provides a final description of the project’s datasets according to FAIR principles. The overall purpose of this document is to support the data management lifecycle for all data that will be collected, stored, processed or generated by the project in order to maximise its access, according to the H2020 Pilot on Open Research Data (ORDP) in which the project participates.
A Data Management strategy is defined to provide the general rules and mechanisms for the access management of project data. Each dataset in the project is identified and described and information is provided on to which extent it is standard compliant, and how the FAIR principles are applied.
A total of 10 datasets have been identified in this version of the deliverable, being most of them data that will be collected and processed by the three remaining pilot use cases. Other datasets are mostly stakeholders’ information and public deliverables produced within the project scope.