This deliverable (entitled “D7.11 - Data Marketplace: Design and Open Specification M32”) is a follow up on the design and the specifications of the PolicyCLOUD Data Marketplace as defined in the previous version of the deliverable (i.e. the “D7.4 - Data Marketplace: Design and Open Specification”). Several updates have been introduced in the deliverable, including, among others, the final types of assets to be offered by the Data Marketplace, additional user journeys and state of the art marketplaces, whereas there are additional updates on the specifications of the Data Marketplace’s layers (especially for the Assets Storage Layer and the Assets Management Layer). Finally, some use cases of the Data Marketplace are introduced under the Overall Conceptual View Section.
In essence, the Data Marketplace is a unified web-based platform consisting of two (2) core services, the front-end and the back-end services, offering its users various ready-to-use solutions. More specifically, it provides to the wider research and innovation community various assets (i.e. objects/solutions) in different domains.
As a Marketplace, the final design provides information on how several users (and contributors) can interact with the PolicyCLOUD Data Marketplace in order to ingest and retrieve the respective assets, through potential user journeys that are analyzed. Moreover, the deliverable describes the different types of offered assets, since the Data Marketplace went beyond policies and tools and it stores and offers additional elements, including rich descriptions of the offered assets, algorithms, validation datasets, and in general, various outcomes of the project.
To support the aforementioned functionalities, the PolicyCLOUD Data Marketplace specifications exemplify the respective layers of the Data Marketplace, the functionalities supported by each layer, the interaction points with different stakeholders, as well as the technical details that have been used for the implementation of the Data Marketplace. Finally, the document reviews the current state of the art marketplaces to identify the baseline technologies and approaches for the realization of similar marketplaces, which are compared to the corresponding specifications of the Data Marketplace.