Policy cloud has published a visual summary report on the second co-creation workshop of the Aragon Pilot which took place in November 2021.
As part of the project, four pilots are testing the Policy Cloud solutions in real world policy making applications. Each of these pilots host workshops with local policymakers to get feedback on the Policy Cloud solutions to help the next round of development. This co-creation with the end-users of the platform will ensure that the tools developed will be effective and beneficial for those who will use them.
The Intelligent Policies for the Food Value Chain pilot is focussed on policies for the wine sector in Aragon. Aragon Pilot partners SARGA and ITAINNOVA hosted their second co-creation workshop in November 2021 with an attendance of 20 stakeholders, including 5 policy makers, 3 data analysts and 10 domain experts. Attendees tested the current version of Policy Clouds digital platform for the full policy lifecycle, providing feedback through a survey. These results can be read in full in the project report published here. On top of this, a summary of the results has been published in a visual summary report.