This event is the first pilot workshop for the intelligent policies for the food value chain pilot. Policy Cloud runs four pilot cases in four different EU countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. The Pilots cover complex themes in very different fields and serve as demonstrators for data-driven policy management and leverage methodologies for user participation from citizens and communities. The results are evaluated in heterogeneous environments and settings, demonstrating the applicability and re-usability of the developed models and tools in different countries, contexts and sectors.
This workshop focuses on how Big Data and Artificial Intelligence have been applied to the wine sector, and how Policy Cloud could be applied by both policy makers and private actors to give them effective data-based tools to understand consumer demands, wine trends, consumer opinions, as well as the level and quality of production.
En la jornada hablaremos de las posibilidades que las tecnologías como el Big Data y la Inteligencia Artificial tienen aplicadas al sector del vino. Estas tecnologías permiten explotar datos, tanto abiertos (Open Data), como datos de otras fuentes (sensores en campo, datos meteorológicos, datos internos de la empresas, datos de imágenes de satélite u otros). A partir de éstos se pueden construir soluciones para la toma de decisiones para todos los actores de la cadena de valor del sector.
El proyecto Policy Cloud es un ejemplo de aplicación de estas tecnologías. Su objetivo es proporcionar tanto a los responsables de la formulación de políticas como a los actores privados herramientas eficaces basadas en datos para conocer las demandas del consumidor (identificando mercados emergentes con demanda específica de productos aragoneses, tendencias de vinos relacionados con la Denominación de Origen en Aragón, opiniones de los consumidores sobre los productos, etc.) Además permite conocer datos de la cosecha a nivel de producción y calidad de la misma para poder anticiparse y tomar decisiones.
En el marco de Policy Cloud estamos desarrollando una herramienta tecnológica de soporte a la toma de decisión que queremos mostraros, conocer vuestra valoración, así como las necesidades no cubiertas que podrían ser de interés para vosotros.
Esta jornada va dirigida a todos los actores de la cadena de valor del vino (viticultores, bodegas, cooperativas, comercializadores y distribuidores, etc.), así como a personas y entidades que participan en la formulación de políticas alrededor del sector del vino.
At the conference, we will talk about the possibilities that technologies such as Big Data and Artificial Intelligence have applied to the wine sector. These technologies make it possible to exploit both open data (Open Data) and data from other sources (sensors in the field, meteorological data, internal company data, satellite image data and others). From these data, solutions can be built for decision making for all actors in the value chain of the sector.
The Policy Cloud project is an example of the application of these technologies. Its objective is to provide both policymakers and private actors with effective data-based tools to understand consumer demands (identifying emerging markets with a specific demand for Aragonese products, wine trends related to the Designation of Origin in Aragon, consumer opinions on products, etc.). It also provides harvest data on production and quality in order to anticipate and make decisions.
Within the framework of Policy Cloud, we are developing a technological tool to support decision making that we want to show you, to know your assessment, as well as the uncovered needs that could be of interest to you.
This conference is aimed at all the actors in the wine value chain (winegrowers, wineries, cooperatives, marketers and distributors, etc.), as well as people and entities involved in the formulation of policies around the wine sector.
9:30 - 10:00 - A global vision of the policy cloud project
10:00 - 10:30 - Results of the first Policycloud workshop
10:30 - 11:00 - Progress of the project
11:00 - 11:45 - Debate on improvements of the different policy cloud scenarios
11:45 - 12:15 - Question and answers session
12:15 - Coffee
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