Policy Cloud has published the report D2.1 State of the Art and Requirements analysis, the first of the series of deliverables that specify the use case scenarios, datasets and user, system and technical requirements of the Policy Cloud platform.
Requirements Analysis
For the Requirement Analysis, both use cases and technical needs are considered.
The use case requirements reflect the stakeholders' necessities and are formalised into an output called Stakeholder Requirements Specification (StRS). The technical requirements transform those needs into a product and are formalised into the System Requirements Specification (SyRS) and the Software Requirements Specification (SRS).
The use case requirement scenarios cover four different topics:
State of the Art
The following state of the art technologies will be applied within the context of the Policy Cloud project:
The Policy Cloud will be designed as an Infrastructure as Service (Iaas) to allow customers access the software and hardware needed to run computing operations (e.g. storage, data processing).
In order to guarantee that the Policy Cloud complexity is properly handled and analysed, the State of the Art and the Requirements Analysis will be performed regularly throughout the entire duration of the project, from 2020 to 2023.