On 2 December 2021 the second Policy Cloud Policies Against Radicalisation Pilot Workshop was held at the NH Machiavelli in Milan, Italy. The first workshop was organised as a virtual event on 26 April 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The event, organised by the Maggioli Group in the framework of the European project Policy Cloud, was created with the aim of bringing together security managers operating at local, regional, and national levels, and supporting them through free workshops to cross the challenge of radicalisation (such as political, religious, ideological, etc.). The event featured innovative tools for the monitoring, identification, analysis, and prevention of potential radicalisation risks, while allowing attendees to interact with other stakeholders (e.g., data analysis experts, sociologists, etc.) during the creation and modelling of specific policies and measures against radicalisation.
The full range of Policy Cloud services will be used to transform raw data into actionable knowledge which is of practical value to policy creators. For instance, analytical tools such as sentiment analysis and opinion mining software will be applied to Twitter data to identify radicalisation attempts and link them to particular terrorist groups or attacks. Analytics will also be used to segment radicalisation demographically, visualise radicalisation trends, and assign risk profiles to individual suspects. All of the analyses will respect the privacy requirements established within the Policy Cloud Ethics Framework.
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