The EU’s recently published Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal aiming to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly. In order for our food systems to stay resilient against crises, they must become more sustainable bringing with them new opportunities for operators in the food value chain.
The PolicyCloud ‘Intelligent policies for the value food chain’ pilot case, capitalises on the Farm to fork strategy through the opportunities and innovation created by sustainability namely in the cases of positive environmental impact, ensuring food security and fostering competitiveness.
The pilot, run by the sustainable agriculture arm of the regional government of Aragon in Spain (SARGA) aims to take the utmost advantage of initiatives within the ‘Farm to Fork’ strategy through PolicyClouds smart data analytic technologies, adding value to EU tools by turning them into more accessible, high impact instruments for food value chain operators.
Javier Sancho from SARGA said “With this project from Aragón we seek to facilitate the application of agri-food promotion policies from two points of view, first by helping to focus more efficiently on the funds destined to agrifood promotion by the Aragón government, as well as creating a tool for producers that allows knowing both the markets where they compete and establish a promotion strategy”
Within the European Unions agriculture and food policies, there are a vast array of ever-changing tools and initiatives such as advisory services, financial instruments, research and innovation that can be used by agricultural producers and businesses. In order to properly leverage these EU initiatives, the PolicyCloud real-time big data platform will continuously update all Agri-Food industry data and enable users to perform analytical queries to evaluate the impact of policies and compare current data with historic data with different policies being applied.
The input data will include information from CAP, active cooperatives, weather information, analysis of opinion on tastes and valuation of regional products through social networks, agri-food industry, agricultural and livestock production, farmers, livestock producers. Both quantitative and qualitative data will be collected.
The ‘Intelligent policies for the value food chain’ pilot case is a practical showcase of the benefits of PolicyCloud services and will bring sustainable innovation to a local level by harnessing the policies of the Farm to Fork strategy.
More Info
SARGA: is a public company located in Aragon, Spain, which is in charge of implementing environmental policies, taking care of the forests, the natural environment, water, agriculture, livestock, and rural areas. SARGA has been recognized as an Innovative Business Association (AEI) by Ministry of Industry. Its goal is to facilitate innovation through branding and cooperation in the whole food value chain, supporting the visibility, and growth of Aragon Food Cluster members (companies and knowledge institutions). Thanks to the excellent relationship with both the competent authorities and producers and end-users, SARGA seeks to collect all the contributions of the stakeholders involved. These have been defined at a technical level that they need to be able to know the situation of the markets and thus invest in promotion where the weaknesses of the sector are detected.
PolicyCloud: Is an EU project funded under the European Commission’s H2020 programme. It aims to harness the potential of digitisation, big data and cloud technologies to improve the modelling, creation and implementation of policy. In three years (2020-2023) the project will address challenges faced by many businesses and public administrations of improving how they make policy decisions by accessing and using data.
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