On February 2, from 10-13 CET, those interested in knowing examples of uses of open data, have an appointment through the webinar organized by the + Resilient project, co-financed by the ERDF funds through the Interreg MED program, of which Policy Cloud partner the Technological Institute of Aragón ITAINNOVA is part. The objective of the project is to improve the social innovation capacities of public and private agents involved in social economy networks and to promote a positive impact on their growth and employment.
Rafael del Hoyo from ITAINNOVA will present at the webinar on Policy Cloud: Making data-driven policy management a reality.
This online event, under the title of + RESILIENT 5º WEBINAR: Use of Open Data, aims to spread the knowledge of open data technology (open data) and show some uses of the same among the partners of the + Resilient Project and interested parties of the pilot action. This topic is considered useful both for people who work in public and private organizations, who are interested in deepening their knowledge of Open Data and its possible uses.
In the first session of the webinar, the guest speaker will present Open Data technology and its origin. Afterwards, participants will have an overview of the potential benefits of Open Data when it comes to public institutions and local governments. Finally, in the third session, participants will learn about some European initiatives that use open data to achieve their objectives.
10.00 RESILIENT AND OPEN DATA - Brief introduction
Welcome and presentation of the project and the relationship with open data - ITAINNOVA
10.10 SESSION 1: Where does this technology come from?
History of Open Data and its evolution - Vega Rodrigálvarez, ITAINNOVA
10.30 SESSION 2: Use of open data in local administration
Aragón Open Data : a regional Open Data initiative in the Public Administration - Paula Peña, ITAINNOVA.
Chatbot Aragón Open Data - Miguel Ángel Gracia, ITAINNOVA.
11.45 SESSION 3: Some examples of the use of open data at European level
Grapevine: Towards Sustainable Agriculture Driven by Data - Francisco Lacueva, ITAINNOVA.
INTERSTAT - Support for the interoperability and reuse of open statistical data for cross-border digital services - Roberto Di Bernardo, Engineering, member of BDVA.
Policy Cloud: Making data-driven policy management a reality - Rafael del Hoyo, ITAINNOVA.
The webinar is open to everyone, it will be in English, and it is free. It is necessary to register before January 29. The registration form is available at the following link: opensocialcluster.eu
Information will be sent to registered participants.
This activity responds to one of the objectives: Strengthen cooperation between key actors to promote knowledge transfer and innovative activities in key sectors of the area.
Veneto Region (VR) - Italy. (Project leader)
Aix-Marseille University (AMU) - France
Region of East Macedonia and Thrace (REMTH) - Greece
Treviso and Belluno Chamber of Commerce (CCIAA Treviso - Belluno) - Italy
Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITAINNOVA) - Spain
Greek Free Open Source Software Society (GFOSS) - Greece
Barcelona Activa SA SPM (BA) - Spain
Open Univesity of Catalonia (UOC) - Spain
Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development - Croatia
Region of Istria - Croatia
RCDI - Development and Innovation Network (RCDI) - Portugal
Foundation for Improvement of Employment Possibilities PRIZMA (Fundacija PRIZMA) - Slovenia
National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) - ANCI
Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Albania (UCCIAL) - Albania