14 January 2022

Policy Cloud has released a new report on the Data Marketplace’s design and open specifications.

This report describes the initial design and specifications of the Policy Cloud Data Marketplace and how it will provide various assets in different domains to the wider research and innovation community.

It includes an analysis of relevant work already done by other European projects which can be used to create a baseline and starting point for the Policy Cloud Data Marketplace.

User journeys are also included in the report, showing how a potential user could interact with and benefit from the Marketplace, an example can be seen below. You can find all the user journeys here.

The Data Marketplace will go beyond policies and tools and will store and offer additional elements including rich descriptions of the offered assets, algorithms, validation datasets, as well as other outcomes from the Policy Cloud project. It will function as the project’s main ambassador to different external communities, by disseminating and demonstrating the main outcomes of the project.

A further report will be published in the towards the end of 2022 to outline the progress made on implementing the Data Marketplace.

Read the full report here