The Policy Cloud website has been significantly upgraded for the needs of its users. Focusing on a content-rich and easy to use format, all information from the benefits of policy cloud to the services it will provide are available. In order to understand how our services will work in practice, users are provided with a succinct explainer on each of our pilot cases, as well as interviews with the relevant personal in each one.
Using the potential of digitisation, big data and cloud technologies Policy Cloud will roll out a series of novel data-driven policy management solutions in its quest to achieve this goal.
Through this innovative cloud-based policy making public administrations and business can predict unemployment, prevent radicalisation, crowdsource urban policymaking and boost growth in the agri-food industry through environmental policies.
Pilot cases
This, as well as many more untold benefits, are being showcased through four pilots utilising Policy Cloud's tools of services. More information on the pilots can be found here:
Policy Cloud will provide six service tools that turn raw data into valuable and actionable knowledge towards efficient policy-making, whilst also ensuring conformance to legal, security and ethical issues. The toolkit of services will allow public administrations, businesses and engaged citizens create policies by exploiting Policy CLOUD models and analytical tools on various datasets, contexts and policy models.
Policy Cloud aims to benefit the lives of European citizens by improving how businesses and public administrations make policy decisions.
To keep up to date with Policy cloud and its pilots, you can join us at one of our future events (both virtual and physical) or become a member of our community.