Policy Cloud has announced the establishment of an Impact Creation Board to advise the consortium about how to exploit project results. The four founding members are Jürgen Neises, Francesco Mureddu, Tjerk Timan, and Yuecel Karabulut, all leading experts in ICT.
The group will be enlarged to include other distinguished figures from both academia and industry. All members will be tasked with promoting the tools, software, and guidelines emerging from Policy Cloud and associated projects in order to:
“I look forward to participating in Policy Cloud events, and providing feedback. Policy Cloud is implementing project pilots which are demonstrating improvement in policy making through new datasets, predictive analysis, and simulation tools, as well as increasing the participation of citizens in policy design and creation. These results will increase policy impact and compliance. My work with the Policy Cloud ICB will synergise with the H2020 projects I am starting, especially DECIDO - eviDEnce and Cloud for more InformeD and effective pOlicies. We will aim to carry out joint events and other joint communication activities.” - Francesco Mureddu, Director, Lisbon Council
Each of the founding members covers a field of importance for Policy Cloud: