Policy Cloud has published the first version of the report Cross-Sector Policy Lifecycle Management: Software Prototype, which will receive further updates during the project’s duration.
This report provides a description of the prototype implementation of the Policy Modelling Editor and the Policy Development Toolkit to support policy makers in the modelling, creation, updating, and evaluation of the policies. This implementation is based on the overall architecture and design laid out in the previous report Cross-Sector Policy Lifecycle Management: Design and Open Specification. The Policy Modelling Editor is the core component which supports and guides the end-user to effectively create a Policy Model. The Policy Development Toolkit is made up of the Policy Model Viewer, Policy Evaluations/Analytics, a structural view of policy models owned by the user, and a User Transactions History.
The Policy Modelling Editor and Policy Development Toolkit are the main tools being developed by the Policy Cloud project in order to improve policy making through the use of big data. This report explains in detail how they are being implemented in this prototyping phase. The report also includes the Policy Modelling Editor and The Policy Development Toolkit Open Source code which has been produced by Policy Cloud.