Policy Cloud has published the first iteration of their Cloud Infrastructure Incentives Management & Data Governance: Design and Open Specification report, D3.1.
Authored by experts from Policy Cloud partner organisations ATOS, EGI, UBITECH and the University of Piraeus Research Centre (UPRC), the report describes the work completed to the end of month 8 in four aspects of the project:
Together these aspects underpin the entirety of Work Package 3 of the Policy Cloud project, the focus of which is to provide gateways and APIs for efficient cloud utilisation, mechanisms for obtaining datasets from diverse sources, and a framework for data governance including both the model and the mechanism to be used for privacy enforcement and the protection of data.
The report is clearly divided into separate sections, each providing a full description of the current status of the task in question and the next steps, and includes comprehensive references. Two appendices cover the registration process to access the cloud infrastructure provided by EGI, and instructions regarding the activation of an account in the INDIGO-DataCloud PaaS Orchestrator.
Updates to the report will be published in months 20 and 32 of the project.