Policy Cloud will be presented in the Parallel Session on Smart government: co-creating services with the use of AI and Data on Thursday 5 November from 15:45 to 16:45 CET. Policy Cloud will be represented in the session by Iskra Yovkova from the Municipality of Sofia who leads Policy Cloud's use case of urban policy making through analysis of crowdsourced data, along with two other projects DUET and URBANITE.
The session showcases examples of Smart Government initiatives across Europe that integrate AI, Digital Twins and Big Data solutions. A focus lies on co-creating services with the use of the 3 aforementioned technologies. The the three panel members are: Mr. Lieven Raes Smart City expert at Information Flanders, Belgium, Ms. Leire Orue-Echevarria Arrieta Coloud Technologies expert at TECNALIA R&I, Spain, and Iskra Yovkova from the Municipality of Sofia who leads Policy Cloud's use case of urban policy making through analysis of crowdsourced data.
Watch the recordings!
Links to our activities at EBDVF2020
EBDVF2020 will take place between Tuesday November 3rd and Thursday November 5th in the conference center KOSMOS in Berlin Karl-Marx-Allee and online.
The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) is the flagship event of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community organized by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the European Commission (DG CNECT). EBDVF 2020 in Berlin aims to continue the success of previous editions where on average we got around 1000 participants including industry professionals, business developers, researchers, and policymakers coming from over 40 countries.
Get a taste of the 2019 edition:
Updates and more information available here.