An integral part of the EOSC Stakeholder Forum
Every morning I 19-22 October 2020 I Online
Organised by EOSC Executive & Governing Boards with the support of the EOSCsecretariat.eu
This year's largest event organised by the EOSC Executive & Governing Boards with the support of the EOSC Secretariat project will go virtual on 19-22 October 2020 (mornings only). Registration is free of charge and closes on 15th October 2020 (COB).
The event, taking place over the course of four mornings will analyse the progress of EOSC after two years from its official launch focusing on the added value of EOSC for the European scientific community.
The main objectives of this year Symposium are:
Data-driven use cases, success stories, challenges, and lessons learnt from the first two years of EOSC, will be part of the discussion that ties into the creation of Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the EOSC partnership, within the framework of the future Horizon Europe programme. This partnership will shape the programme of this event and will be a key milestone towards the launch of the second phase of EOSC.
EOSC Coalition of Doers & their evolved activities, Research & Academic institution representatives, Research Communities , Business organisations, all of the EOSC-family of related projects, EU eInfrastructures and Research Infrastructures, policy makers, funding agencies, industry representatives, HPC centers, SDOs, citizen scientists, long tail of science, publishers, Data service providers.