Policy Cloud partner University of Piraeus Research Center will present a paper on Policy Cloud at AIAI 2021.
The event will be divided into different categories, we will have 10 Keynote speakers where we can find their descriptions on the official page. Then we find 3 Tutorials and 3 Special Issues that will be addressed during the event. Finally, the flagship of AIA2021 will be the 7 important workshops called: MHDW, AI Ethics, DARE, DAAI, 5G-PINE, EEAI and AI_BEI. More detailed explanations can be found on the official page.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gradually changing the routine of medical practice and the level of acceptance by the medical personnel is constantly increasing. Recent progress in digital medical data acquisition through advanced biosignal and medical imaging devices, machine learning and high-performance cloud computing infrastructures, push health related AI applications into areas that were previously thought to be only the province of human experts. Such applications employ a variety of methodologies including fuzzy logic, evolutionary calculations, neural networks, or deep learning. Advanced image processing, and artificial intelligence methods can support medical diagnostics, follow-up monitoring, preventive medicine, assessment of therapy and many other domains. These areas have been in recent years the subject of many research papers and research grants. Consequently, this workshop is devoted to the subject of artificial intelligence, in its broadest sense, in biomedical engineering and health informatics.
The workshop aims to support research and innovation on Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering and Informatics and especially in:
• Wearable Systems
• Medical and Sensor Data Processing
• Machine Learning in eHealth
• Medical Image Analysis and Radiomics
• Robotics in Biomedical Engineering
• Quantified Self Technologies and Applications
• Intelligent Data Processing and Predictive Algorithms in eHealth
• Smart Homes and Assistive Environments
• Data Mining of Health Data on the Cloud
• Security, Safety and Privacy in intelligent eHealth applications
Full paper submission
Authors willing to present original contributions as a full paper must submit a manuscript of maximum 12 pages of length (with references included). Manuscripts will be reviewed to the international standards by at least 2 independent academic referees.
We accept manuscripts longer than 12 pages but the cost is 85 Euros per each EXTRA page.
All accepted papers of contributing authors will be published in Springer IFIP AICT series.
Short papers
Some of the submitted Full papers (based on the evaluation scores) will be accepted as short ones. All of them will be published in the Springer Proceedings maximum 10 pages of length (with references included).
The conference will feature the following categories of PRESENTATIONS:
Oral communications (full accepted papers: 15′ presentation + 5′ questions, short accepted papers: 10′ presentation + 5′ questions.)
Submissions must be in electronic form as .pdf files and should be uploaded with EasyAcademia. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 independent members of the program committee.